

This page introduces articles, news and other case studies related to SaaS (Software as a Service).

User Value Original Theory


User Value Original Theory

Not many organizations are able to make user first a reality as they breathe the air. There is a high hurdle to be constantly reminded when planning a product, identifying user issues, creating PRDs, and finally being able to confirm that the product is valuable to the user.

The Concept and Process of Feature Closing


The Concept and Process of Feature Closing

This article focuses on the discontinuation of a product or feature and outlines the process and key decision-making points to consider.

Product Manager Diversity: Key to Realizing Product Strategy


Product Manager Diversity: Key to Realizing Product Strategy

This article reviews product strategy and explores the importance and benefits of product manager diversity in realizing that strategy, focusing on the growth phase and beyond.

Security in Cloud Services


Security in Cloud Services

This article provides an overview of the security measures cloud service providers should implement and outlines various security certifications.

Freemium in SaaS: Three Key Strategies


Freemium in SaaS: Three Key Strategies

In this article, we will review what freemium means in SaaS, compare it with the similar concept of free trial, and confirm what it means in terms of product strategy.

The Evolution of Pricing in SaaS


The Evolution of Pricing in SaaS

This article reviews how businesses and products have evolved with the rise of XaaS and identifies the necessary changes in pricing to support this evolution.

Career Paths to Becoming a Product Manager


Career Paths to Becoming a Product Manager

While knowledge about product management is growing, there's no well-organized guide on how to become a product manager. At the same time, the gateway to becoming a product manager with no experience is still quite limited. In light of this situation, this article challenges you to categorize the career path to product manager based on the backgrounds of the product managers I have worked with and the backgrounds of the product managers who became product managers.

The Evolving Role of Product Leaders in Business Growth


The Evolving Role of Product Leaders in Business Growth

This article explores the evolving roles, skills, and mindset of product leaders, with a focus on the organization, company structure, and the business phase in which they operate.

Creating an Environment for Product Evolution: The Hard Factors


Creating an Environment for Product Evolution: The Hard Factors

In the previous article, we covered the soft aspects, highlighting the importance of shared goals, user focus, and agility. In this article, we will introduce the hard aspects, including the tools that support the soft aspects.

Creating an Environment for Product Evolution: The Soft Factors


Creating an Environment for Product Evolution: The Soft Factors

What kind of environment supports the products that form the basis of your business, and what kind of environment do the product development personnel who drive its operation seek?

The Core Principles of XaaS: Insights from Adobe's Cloud Strategy


The Core Principles of XaaS: Insights from Adobe's Cloud Strategy

As discussed in our previous article on the types and benefits of XaaS, this model benefits both providers and users, making the trend appear irreversible.

Beyond Short-Term Revenue: How SaaS Drives Lifetime Value and Transformation in Large Enterprises | Hiro Maeda, ALL STAR SAAS FUND


Beyond Short-Term Revenue: How SaaS Drives Lifetime Value and Transformation in Large Enterprises | Hiro Maeda, ALL STAR SAAS FUND

This series explores what is necessary for the transformation of major companies, including digital transformation (DX), from the perspective of a venture capital (VC) partner. In this third installment, we interview Hiro Maeda, Managing Partner of ALL STAR SAAS FUND, a VC firm specializing in SaaS. According to Maeda, SaaS acts as a catalyst for change. We delve into the role SaaS plays in the transformation of large enterprises and discuss key considerations when collaborating with startups, examining Maeda's theories on corporate transformation.