Tag List

Agile Development

This page introduces articles, news, and other case studies related to agile development. Agile development is a software development methodology in which the development period is divided into sprints, and software functionality is developed in each sprint in an iterative and continuous manner. Compared to waterfall development, in which requirements are defined for the entire system, and then man-hours are estimated and developed, agile development has the advantage that it is easier to develop products that flexibly respond to customer requests and changes in the business environment by repeatedly defining, implementing, and releasing requirements in smaller units and shorter periods while the system is in operation. There are advantages to this approach.


AI/Machine Learning

This page introduces articles, news, and other case studies related to AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning. With the increase in the number of companies building and utilizing data infrastructures, the expansion of data tracking methods such as IoT devices, and the generalization of tools, SDKs/APIs, etc. that utilize machine learning, AI and machine learning have been put to practical use in various fields, including image and voice analysis, in recent years.



This page introduces articles, news, and other information about API (Application Programming Interface), which is an interface to facilitate data communication between different applications. In recent years, many software companies have been releasing APIs for their products to support software developers in implementing data integration between multiple servers/applications.



Articles, news and other case studies related to B2B (Business to Business).



This page introduces articles, news and other case studies related to B2C (Business to Customer/business to consumer).



This page introduces articles, news and other case studies related to C2C (Customer to Customer/person-to-person transactions).


Customer Case

Here are some articles and news about customer cases that ROUTE06 has supported.


Organizational Culture

This page introduces articles, news, and other case studies related to corporate organizational culture. Organizational culture is a set of shared values that influence the norms, decision-making standards, and creativity of a company. As individuals' work styles, methods, and opportunities become more diverse, attention to the formation of organizational culture is increasing every year.



Articles, news, and other examples of design.


Development environment

This page introduces articles, news and other case studies related to software development environment. Development environment refers to the system configuration and working environment required for development, including hardware devices, server-side and front-end languages and frameworks, database and infrastructure configuration, monitoring/BI, documentation and testing tools.



DevOps is an acronym that combines the words "Development" and "Operation" and is a concept of software development that encompasses the philosophy, means, and organizational structure for efficient system improvement and modification through smooth collaboration between system developers and business operators in the process of product development. DevOps is a software development concept that encompasses the philosophy, means, and organizational structure for efficient system improvement and modification through smooth collaboration between system developers and business operators in the process of product development.


Digital Transformation

This section provides articles, news, and case studies related to Digital Transformation (DX). According to IDC Japan K.K., "DX is defined as "a company's ability to create value and establish competitive advantage by transforming both the online and real customer experience through new products, services and business models using the third platform (cloud, mobility, big data/analytics, social technologies), while responding to disruptive changes in the external ecosystem (customers, markets) and driving change in the internal ecosystem (organizations, culture, employees). The term is defined as "creating value and establishing competitive advantage by transforming the customer experience both online and in the real world through new products, services, and new business models.
