
Supply Chain

Articles, news and other case studies related to supply chain.

The Cold Chain Revolution: Expanding Logistics Markets (Part 2)


The Cold Chain Revolution: Expanding Logistics Markets (Part 2)

In "Cold" Expanding New Logistics Markets (Part 1), we looked at the case of Africa to see how the cold chain has enriched and secured the lives of the people living there. In this second part, we will look at the state of the cold chain in Asia.

The Cold Chain Revolution: Expanding Logistics Markets (Part 1)


The Cold Chain Revolution: Expanding Logistics Markets (Part 1)

While temperature-controlled delivery is commonplace in Japan, the concept of 'cold delivery' is revolutionizing logistics and opening up huge markets globally. However, the situation in the world is different. The emergence of cold chain logistics is revolutionary and is opening up vast new markets. In this article, we will introduce you to the new markets that the cold chain is bringing to Africa, and the technologies that are making it possible.

Logistics DX - AI Applications and Challenges of Advanced Overseas Companies


Logistics DX - AI Applications and Challenges of Advanced Overseas Companies

This article focuses on PLG and how to handle Product Qualified Leads (PQLs), which are key to its growth.