
Digitally Connected Urban Mines, Toward a Society of Endless Resources


Takafumi Endo


Today's press conference and press release announced the launch of MEX, an e-scrap trading platform operated by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation. As a partner company of MMC, I had the opportunity to attend the press conference and explain MMC's digitalization strategy, MMDX (Mitsubishi Materials Digital Business Transformation), and the potential of MEX.

I never imagined that in our second year of ROUTE06's existence, I would be invited to participate in a press conference with the management team of Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, a company with a 150-year tradition since its founding. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CDO Kameyama and other members of the DX Promotion Division, Mr. Sakai and other members of the Metals & Materials Company, and all other related parties for believing in ROUTE06, which was a start-up company with little experience since its establishment, and for welcoming us as an equal partner.

For the full text of this article, please visit this website.


About the Author

Takafumi Endo is a graduate of the Graduate School of Information Sciences at Tohoku University. After graduation, he worked at the Development Bank of Japan Inc. and Dream Incubator Inc. He then founded Smarby, Inc., where he served as CEO. After the company's acquisition by a major apparel company through an M&A, he became Director, CPO, and CMO at STRIPE DEPARTMENT CO., LTD. Following his involvement as an EIR at Delight Ventures, Inc., he founded ROUTE06 and became its Representative Director.

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