

Articles, news, and other case studies related to software services and large-scale systems for large companies.

Commitment to Excellence: Tackling New Business Ventures and Product Development with Takuto Seita of Mitsubishi Corporation


Commitment to Excellence: Tackling New Business Ventures and Product Development with Takuto Seita of Mitsubishi Corporation

In the midstream segment of the materials supply chain, including the steel industry, numerous distribution trading companies and wholesalers act as intermediaries between buyers and suppliers, facilitating transactions flexibly. Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) has introduced PaSS-Portal, a digital platform for quotations and order placement, designed to manage the complex transaction variations typical of these distribution businesses, including irregular operations like changes and modifications to transaction terms.

The Core Principles of XaaS: Insights from Adobe's Cloud Strategy


The Core Principles of XaaS: Insights from Adobe's Cloud Strategy

As discussed in our previous article on the types and benefits of XaaS, this model benefits both providers and users, making the trend appear irreversible.

Beyond Short-Term Revenue: How SaaS Drives Lifetime Value and Transformation in Large Enterprises | Hiro Maeda, ALL STAR SAAS FUND


Beyond Short-Term Revenue: How SaaS Drives Lifetime Value and Transformation in Large Enterprises | Hiro Maeda, ALL STAR SAAS FUND

This series explores what is necessary for the transformation of major companies, including digital transformation (DX), from the perspective of a venture capital (VC) partner. In this third installment, we interview Hiro Maeda, Managing Partner of ALL STAR SAAS FUND, a VC firm specializing in SaaS. According to Maeda, SaaS acts as a catalyst for change. We delve into the role SaaS plays in the transformation of large enterprises and discuss key considerations when collaborating with startups, examining Maeda's theories on corporate transformation.

Transformation Insights from Southeast Asia’s "Digital Pioneer": A Call for Leadership Commitment | Soichi Tajima, Genesia Ventures


Transformation Insights from Southeast Asia’s "Digital Pioneer": A Call for Leadership Commitment | Soichi Tajima, Genesia Ventures

As digital technology breaks down industry barriers, major companies that have long driven the Japanese economy must transform to create new business opportunities and economic value.

Types and Benefits of XaaS


Types and Benefits of XaaS

Starting with SaaS, which delivers software via the Internet, XaaS (Anything as a Service), where everything is offered as a service, has become a significant trend.

What Large Enterprises Need for Transformation: "Leadership Capital" | Tomoko Namba of Delight Ventures


What Large Enterprises Need for Transformation: "Leadership Capital" | Tomoko Namba of Delight Ventures

As digital technology continues to lower the barriers between industries, the businesses and organizations of the major companies that have driven the Japanese economy must transform to create new business opportunities and economic value.

2023 CEO's Message


2023 CEO's Message

Last year saw significant changes in economic and social assumptions, with signs of improvement in economic activity, including the normalization of global supply chains and an increase in inbound demand, driven by infection control measures like COVID-19 vaccination and efforts to ensure continuity of life and business amidst the ongoing pandemic.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Implementing MVPs in Large Enterprises


Avoiding Common Mistakes When Implementing MVPs in Large Enterprises

In today’s rapidly evolving society, how can we create products that effectively address users' challenges and needs? The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is often highlighted as a powerful solution to this question.

Key Features of SaaS and a Step-by-Step Guide to Launching


Key Features of SaaS and a Step-by-Step Guide to Launching

With the spread of the new coronavirus, the need for remote work, including from home, has rapidly increased, making SaaS a widely recognized term in Japan.

GraphQL and Apollo: The Expansion of Open Source Software and SaaS


GraphQL and Apollo: The Expansion of Open Source Software and SaaS

In recent years, extensive data processing has become a standard practice in the operation of products like web services and mobile applications, not only for large enterprises but also for newly established startups.

How Digital Transformation is Accelerating Carbon Trading and Carbon Neutrality


How Digital Transformation is Accelerating Carbon Trading and Carbon Neutrality

As climate change and weather-related disasters intensify due to global warming, companies and governments are increasingly focusing on greenhouse gas reduction and carbon neutrality initiatives to achieve a decarbonized society.

Agile Development in Large Enterprises: Key Considerations for Implementation


Agile Development in Large Enterprises: Key Considerations for Implementation

The software environment is rapidly evolving, and the needs for software are changing continuously. In this dynamic context, if development is planned and executed without flexibility, the resulting product may be outdated by the time it is released. Maintaining high agility in development has become a key competitive advantage, with agile methodologies like Squad, LeSS, and SAFe gaining traction due to their scalability. This shift is driving a transition from traditional waterfall development to agile practices, particularly within large corporations. This article explores agile development and its implementation in major companies, highlighting essential considerations.