CTO Tadashi Shigeoka to Speak at Development Productivity Conference



ROUTE06 will serve as a Platinum sponsor at the Development Productivity Conference, hosted by Findy Corporation. Our CTO, Tadashi Shigeoka, will be a featured speaker, discussing ROUTE06's initiatives to enhance development productivity.

The Development Productivity Conference is a platform for sharing best practices and insights on the concept of development productivity. It will feature keynote speaker Dr. Nicole Forsgren, author of The Science of Lean and DevOps: How Strategic Use of Technology Accelerates Organizational Transformation. Due to high demand, the number of in-person slots has been expanded, making this one of the most anticipated conferences of the year.

ROUTE06 provides professional services to support enterprise software infrastructure and agile commercialization. As an organization committed to practical "manufacturing," we aim to integrate open-source software development concepts and methods into our business operations to produce efficient and innovative outcomes.

We chose to sponsor the conference because we resonate with its mission: to accelerate the delivery of value to customers while building a better organization and tackling the challenge of developing scalable services and products. ROUTE06 will continue to contribute to the engineering community in the future.

Development Productivity Conference Overview

Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023, all day
Venue: KABUTO ONE/partially online delivery
Special website:

Speaker Information

Speaker:Tadashi Shigeoka, CTO, ROUTE06
Title: Development Productivity of ROUTE06 who chose GitHub as the company-wide workspace

About ROUTE06 Inc.

ROUTE06 is a DX partner that helps leading companies transform their business models. By providing enterprise software infrastructure and agile commercialization support, ROUTE06 helps companies create new corporate value by transforming commerce into a platform for business transactions.
Establishment: January 24, 2020
Location: Marunouchi Kitaguchi Building, 9F, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Representative: Takafumi Endo
Business: Enterprise software services and professional services
Press Contact:
ROUTE06, Inc. Public Relations, Mail: [email protected]

SponsorshipDevelopment environmentDevOps