Category List

Business Model

This section introduces business models of various businesses and companies, with a focus on digital-related businesses, as well as discussions on starting up new businesses. A business model defines what value is created by offering what to whom and how and for how much to monetize it. There are various types of business models, which are influenced by external factors such as customer characteristics and acceptability, industry-specific business structures, and laws and regulations, in addition to relative advantages over competitors in terms of technology, operations, and intellectual property.



Examples of digital services and products introduced to ROUTE06's clients and partner companies, alongside new business and DX (Digital Transformation) case studies of major companies in Japan and overseas, will be discussed here. This category also includes initiatives by professional firms, venture capitalists, other support companies, and government support programs.



This page introduces a discussion of EC (Electronic Commerce) related issues on a wide range of topics, both B2C and B2B. According to the "Industrial Economy Research Commission Project (Market Research on Electronic Commerce)" published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the B2C-EC (electronic commerce for consumers) market in Japan in 2020 was worth 19.3 trillion yen, and the B2B-EC (business-to-business electronic commerce) market in Japan was worth 334.9 trillion yen, It is predicted to continue to expand in the future. In e-commerce, which is attracting more and more attention every year, all topics such as marketing, product/content development, merchandising, logistics/logistics, and customer support are covered in this category.



Articles featured in this category serve as an introduction to some of the initiatives here at ROUTE06. As a supporter of advanced DX projects for major companies, we take on the challenge of improving cutting-edge business efficiency by proactively utilizing new products and technologies in our own operations and organizational management.



This category contains discussions of UI (user interface) and UX design (user experience) for various domestic and international products, not only limited to digital products. Our design category includes a look into the latest design tools, trends in front-end development, and new topics in design engineering and other fields.



This category covers information and messages to stakeholders (shareholders, management, employees, client companies, business partners, regulatory agencies, and other interested parties) regarding various topics such as ROUTE06's corporate management, business operations, investor relations (IR), and our corporate social responsibility (CSR).



This category is for general management and organizational issues, regardless of industry or sector, from major Japanese and foreign companies to start-ups. Corporate strategy, organizational design, decision-making processes, corporate culture, and corporate governance are also covered in this category.



This section introduces discussions on marketing of digital products such as web services and native applications. This category also covers the latest social networking, content optimization (SEO/ASO) within search engines and other platforms, CRM and campaign strategies, digital advertising and other promotions, and the use of online/offline marketing data.



This page introduces a discussion of online marketplaces for a variety of commercial products ranging from consumer goods to industrial goods. A marketplace is a trading platform for buyers and sellers to conduct continuous and frequent sales and purchases. It enables a series of procedures necessary for business transactions, such as registration/account opening, negotiation, quotation, order receipt, settlement, and delivery, to be conducted online. In recent years, the digitalization of B2B (business-to-business) transactions has been attracting attention, and moves to launch new marketplaces in Japan and overseas are accelerating, even in the area of industrial goods, where online transactions have not been active in the past.



This category presents discussions on the digital platform business model. A digital platform is a business model that uses technology to significantly reduce costs and opportunity losses incurred in transactions and communications between groups of sellers and buyers. It also aims to create new economic value by providing additional services through the use of data. Business strategies, network effects/network externalities, operations, marketing, logistics, and their relation to digital platforms are also covered in this category.



This category covers discussions on the launch and growth of digital products created by startups, mega venture IT companies, and large, traditional companies. The articles listed here will also cover product management methods, DevOps, KPI management, and growth measures.



This category covers research reports related to digital transformation and digital products. This category also covers domestic and international economic trends, cultural background, policy and regulatory discussions by public organizations, and R&D and intellectual property in specific technological areas.
