Kohei Minami

Kohei Minami. After graduating from Keio University with a degree in economics, he worked at Deloitte Tohmatsu LLC and PwC Advisory LLC before joining Rakuten Group, Inc., where he led and executed M&A, JV investments, and startup investments. In 2022, he joined ROUTE06 Inc., where he is responsible for finance, business development, and marketing as the head of the President's Office. He is a certified public accountant.

GitLab: Leveraging "Fully Remote" as a Competitive Advantage in Corporate Design


GitLab: Leveraging "Fully Remote" as a Competitive Advantage in Corporate Design

Working EnvironmentRemote WorkManagementDevOps

GitLab Inc. (GitLab), an American technology company that develops and provides a DevOps platform for modern software development, including version control tools and CI/CD, operates with approximately 2,000 employees worldwide, all of whom work fully remotely.